What’s New At The Tenderloin Tech Lab
After a week long hiatus, the Tech Lab has reopened with some new improvements that will make things run a little smoother. We cleaned the place from top to bottom, re-networked the computers and added 3 bulletin boards for lab updates, job search postings and Tenderloin Community program updates. A big thanks goes out to all the volunteers who came in and helped us to give the lab a makeover, you’re help is much appreciated.
Lab hours have also changed. Beginning this past Tuesday, we will no longer be offering evening hours, which used to take place from 6-8 p.m. We will, however, be extending our Saturday drop-in hours from 11:00-3:00 p.m.
And for the grand finale, on the afternoon of November 5th, the Tech Lab will be hosting a small get together in the afternoon for anyone who is interested. Snacks and drinks will be provided as well as good company. Festivities will start around 1:30. Anyone and everyone is invited!