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Turning Pain into Purpose: AJ’s Journey of Healing

August 28, 2024

Born in Watsonville, California, AJ grew up in a busy one-bedroom apartment with his siblings and extended family. He often turned to the streets for a sense of freedom. “I didn’t want to be at the house,” he recalled. “I ended up hanging out with friends and got caught up in gangs.”

Outside the house, AJ enjoyed playing soccer and even won a few championships. However, his struggles in school and involvement with the wrong crowd prompted his mother to send him to live with his grandfather in Mexico. There, AJ married at a young age and started a family.

After returning to the U.S., AJ worked hard in the roofing industry and raised three children. However, despite his efforts to build a stable life, he found himself turning to alcohol and drugs, hiding his struggles from his family. AJ was particularly close to his son, Aurelio, who worked at St. Anthony’s clinic after serving in the Marines. Unbeknownst to AJ, Aurelio also battled drug and alcohol addiction. “He always told me he didn’t do drugs, just drank,” AJ said. “I believed him.”

In November 2023, Aurelio tragically passed away from an overdose. The loss devastated AJ, who had just been released from jail and had planned to stay with his son while getting back on his feet. “I was going to live with him for a while,” AJ recalled. “But when I called, he didn’t pick up. That’s when I found out what happened.”

AJ’s late son, Aurelio

Determined to change his life after his son’s death, AJ sought help and entered the recovery program at St. Anthony’s Father Alfred Center. He was unsure of what to expect, but he was desperate for change. Two weeks into the program, AJ discovered that his son had worked at St. Anthony’s until his passing.

“I walked into the medical clinic and saw his picture on the wall,” AJ recalled. “When they told me he used to work there, I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it. It felt like a sign.” The news sent shockwaves through AJ and the clinic staff who had known Aurelio.

At Father Alfred Center, AJ finds solace in group meetings, mindfulness classes, and one-on-one sessions with counselors who help him manage his grief and build healthy habits. The support from the staff and fellow residents is a crucial part of his recovery.

Everyone here understands what it’s like. We’re all working through our stuff together.

AJ finds power in telling his story, even when it’s challenging. “At first, I didn’t want to talk about it,” he admitted, “but sharing has helped me and others too.” He now regularly attends AA meetings and is grateful for his new support network.

AJ honors his son’s memory every day by taking steps to create a better future for himself and his family. “I want to live for my kids,” he said simply. “I want to do right by them and by myself.” Moving forward, AJ stays committed to his recovery, drawing strength from his community and the memory of his son. Through the ups and downs, he remains determined to stay on a path of sobriety and personal growth, embracing the opportunities that each new day brings.

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