Tenderloin Toilets
Although four letter words associated with potty talk may be a common stereo type for the Tenderloin’s infamous streets, as of late, the subject of potty in its literal meaning has become the hot issue. Three articles in the month of February (Chronicle, Examiner and Central City Extra) brought citywide attention to the dire shortage of public restrooms available in the Tenderloin. As part of St. Anthony’s mission to provide comprehensive services to our most vulnerable citizens, we offer restrooms in both of our locations on Golden Gate Avenue that are open to the public beginning at 8am until we close our building at 4:30pm. And although we know at St. Anthony’s that this does not meet a round-the-clock need for restrooms, we don’t always have an easy answer to help resolve the problem.
Help us in advocating for the Tenderloin by clarifying that St. Anthony’s does offer restrooms to the public and by voicing your support for the need for more public restrooms by leaving a message in the comments section of this post. St. Anthony’s will make sure that all your comments go directly to city officials.