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1 + 1 = A+

It’s true that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. St. Anthony Foundation + San Francisco Network Ministries = the Tenderloin Tech Lab = a lot more people becoming computer literate, learning advanced computer skills, getting computer access on a drop-in basis, or being trained for A+ certification.

Both St. Anthony Foundation and our partner, San Francisco Network Ministries, currently provide these services. The Tenderloin Tech Lab collaboration will allow us to pool our resources, increase teaching staff, and create a “one stop shop” for Tenderloin residents in need of computer training and access. Our hope is to eliminate the barriers to technology and help bridge the local digital divide with our isolated neighbors.

I have a special understanding of the importance of the Internet as a job search tool. A year ago, I completed a job search while on crutches. I had a telephone and a lap top, but no printer. Thanks to the Internet, I didn’t need one. I found job listings on the Internet, studied web sites for the organizations that looked most compatible, crafted cover letters and edited resumes based on the web sites, and got screened over phone. Only when I got an interview, did I finally need to call a cab and hop down to the front door.

The crutches were my only barriers to employment. Our guests at St. Anthony’s have multiple barriers, and many of theirs are permanent. Maybe I should volunteer at the Tech Lab with the job search class.

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