St. Anthony Foundation Extends Gratitude to You for A Day of Hope Campaign, Celebrate the Feast of St. Anthony
June 16, 2023

Thank you from all of us at St. Anthony’s for your support of A Day of Hope!
June 13 was the Feast of St. Anthony, a day when we honor and celebrate our patron saint and his enduring love and devotion to the poor and the sick. It was also A Day of Hope – a special day when we asked our community of advocates and donors to make a contribution to meet the essential needs of our vulnerable neighbors by providing the essential funding we require to sustain and expand our long-term services that our guests need and deserve on their journey from crisis to stability and renewal.
Though we are still tallying the total amount raised, we more than doubled the number of donors from the previous year, standing currently at over 250 generous and compassionate benefactors for our 2023 A Day of Hope.
Approximately, 75 percent of St. Anthony’s budget is covered by charitable contributions, which highlights a simple truth: none of our programs would be possible without the support of our community philanthropists – you!
Thank you for making our work possible!
-The St. Anthony’s Family