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What is the STEPS Transitional Employment (TE) Program?

Transitional jobs at St. Anthony Foundation are temporary positions for a six-month period in one of five departments. These jobs provide a livable wage and paid on-the-job training. Employees who perform well are eligible to apply for a “core” positions (long-term employment) after completing the program.

St. Anthony’s Transitional Employment program follows the regular HR hiring process for any position available. Once hired, transitional employees will have access to on-the-job paid training to build their skills and prepare them for long-term employment.

Which jobs within St. Anthony’s are classified as transitional?
Job TitleLocation
Kitchen Assistant – TEDining Room, 121 Golden Gate
Kitchen Assistant – TEFather Alfred Center, 291 10th St
Hygiene Hub Associate – TEHygiene Hub, 150 Golden Gate
Community Safety Services – TECommunity Safety Services, 150 Golden Gate
Guest Services Associate – TEDining Room, 121 Golden Gate

Due to high volume, it may take a couple of weeks for us to reach out. You can send us an email at te@stanthonysf.org or call the TE hotline at (415) 592-2869 to check on the status of your inquiry.

If the initial process does not end in a Transitional Job Placement, candidates will stay in the Applicant Pool and will remain active for six months. After six months, candidates can reapply if still looking for a job.

Transitional jobs include “TE” in the title and are listed along with other open positions on our Job Board. Here is a link to all TE jobs on our Job Board.

Ready to get started?

A resume is a required part of this process. We offer a free Resume Clinic for guests who need assistance updating or creating a resume. Resume Clinic has drop-in hours on Mondays & Wednesdays from 9-11am for Spanish speakers, and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11am for bilingual or English speakers. Stop by the Welcome Center tent at 150 Golden Gate Avenue and someone will help you connect with a STEPS team member.

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