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What is STEPS? A Pathway to Stability

STEPS is an acronym for St. Anthony’s Employment Pathways to Stability

At. St. Anthony’s, we strive to provide individuals with stability and create a society in which all persons flourish. Along with meeting basic hygiene, food, and spiritual support, we also provide our guests with a pathway to a livable wage through job training and job placement. We envision a more prosperous city where barriers to employment are eliminated, and every member of the community to gain financial stability through meaningful work.

Job Readiness Training, Job Coaching, and Ongoing Support

The STEPS Program offers a host of employment services to prepare our guests to enter (or re-enter) the workforce. We help build job readiness and life management skills so the individuals we serve can find AND keep a job. Our services are available in English and Spanish.

STEPS training includes soft skill and technical/hard skill development. We use a combination of instruction, classroom discussion, videos, and activities to provide all participants with the skills and knowledge they need. All participants leave with a professional digital resume and practical tools.

Pre-Employment Training for Men in Recovery

This three-week program is offered to men in recovery at Father Alfred Center and is built into each guest’s recovery treatment plan. It includes job readiness and life management skills that prepare guests to re-enter the workforce, pursue volunteer opportunities, or enroll in continuing education. We build resilience and support the men’s recovery and long-term stability as part of an integrated approach to healing. Unique to the STEPS training is our focus on emotional intelligence, neuroscience and its connection to emotional regulation, and applied communications skills. We also provide an employment toolkit that includes: building a digital resume, searching for paid or volunteer employment, dressing for success, and interviewing skills. For more information on recovery services, click here.

The One-Week Job Readiness Workshop (open to public)

Job Readiness Workshop is a 15 hours one-week program that offers essential employability tools. Participants leave with a professional digital resume and learn how to write a compelling cover letter. They also gain awareness about emotional intelligence and regulation, build their communication skills, practice interviewing, gain financial literacy skills, and learn professionalism strategies to find and keep a job. This program is open to the public.

Resume Clinic (Monday – Thursday)

St. Anthony’s has an Employment Specialist ready to sit with our guests and create a professional digital resume, apply for jobs online, and help with job applications.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9 am- 11am, English speakers can get help with Joe Klocek.

415-592-2767 | JKlocek@stanthonysf.org

Los miércoles y viernes, de 9am a 11am, los hablantes de español pueden recibir ayuda con Nayelie Zazueta.

415-592-2734 | NZazueta@stanthonysf.org

“STEPS opens a door that might not be open for somebody who had doors of opportunity slammed in their face because of their past.”

Bryan Young, St. Anthony’s Chief Talent Officer

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