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November 14th Is World Diabetes Day

Diabetes Day attendees participate in an exercise demonstration led by Rafaela.

Today is World Diabetes Day, and if you watched, listened to, or read the news this morning you may have heard the startling estimates that have come out regarding the significant increase anticipated in the number of diabetics worldwide. If no action is taken, the International Diabetes Federation predicts that the number of diabetics will rise to 552 million (from 366 million) by 2030. In order to conduct outreach for this widespread but manageable disease, St. Anthony Medical Clinic recently hosted our own Diabetes Day, an annual event put on for current patients and newcomers interested in getting tested and learning to manage their symptoms. Program attendees had their blood sugar tested, BMI assessed and weight checked; retinal and podiatric exams were provided for those who needed them.

St. Anthony Medical Clinic takes a proactive, preventive approach to chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma and obesity. As such, our Diabetes Management Program emphasizes healthy living practices and patient involvement in their own care. Cooking demonstrations illustrated healthy alternatives to pasta, as well as diabetic-friendly desserts. Exercise demonstrations were offered designed for people who may be limited in their range of motion or who may have trouble getting out of the house. Attendees were encouraged to return to the clinic to participate in ongoing healthy and supportive activities offered by the clinic like Diabetes Education Days, the Walking Group and the Women’s Group.

In addition to educational and screening activities conducted by clinic staff and dedicated volunteers, Walgreen’s was there giving out free flu shots and representatives from the San Francisco Health Plan helped attendees learn about affordable coverage.

Finally, all attendees were assisted in completing the Big Blue Test, which illustrates the effects of moderate exercise on blood sugar levels. Participation in the test, which takes about a minute, results in donations of supplies to diabetics in need and grant money to St. Anthony Medical Clinic. There is still time to participate and have your input count toward free supplies for diabetics in need. Just go to BigBlueTest.org and complete the test.

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