Keynote Address: Fred Luskin- 9:30am-10:20am

Forgive for Good
Fred Luskin, Ph.D., is the director of the Stanford University
Forgiveness Projects, a senior consultant in health promotion at
Stanford University, a professor at the Institute for
Transpersonal Psychology, and an affiliate faculty member of the
Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. Dr. Luskin is the
author of Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health and
Happiness and co-author of Stress Free for Good: Ten Proven Life
Skills for Health and Happiness. The Forgiveness Project seeks to
break the cycle of vengeance by empowering people to consider
the nature of forgiveness. This keynote address explores real life
stories of forgiveness to build understanding, encourage
reflection and help people examine and overcome their own
unresolved grievances. The testimonies we collect bear witness
to the resilience of the human spirit and act as a powerful
antidote to narratives of hate and dehumanization, presenting
alternatives to cycles of conflict, violence, crime, and injustice
Darleen Pryds: 10:30am-11:20am

St. Francis for San Franciscans
Darleen Pryds, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Christian
Spirituality & History at the Franciscan School of Theology at the
University of San Diego. In her talk, Dr. Pryds explores why St.
Francis of Assisi is the perfect saint for a city as gritty and diverse
as San Francisco. As a model of joy grounded in determination
rather than mere cheerfulness, St. Francis is a refreshing and
challenging antidote to our divided world
Giuseppe Franco: 10:30am-11:20am

How Do We Build a More Moral Market Economy?
A Franciscan Approach to Business Ethics
Giuseppe Franco, Ph.D., Th.D., is a lecturer and researcher in
theology and philosophy at the Catholic University of EichstättIngolstadt in Germany. His work explores the legacy of
Franciscan thought and its relevance for the challenges of our
modern economy.
Fred Luskin: 10:30am-11:20am

Forgiveness Workshop led by Dr. Fred Luskin
This workshop is open to anyone who would like to learn how
to better manage stressful situations and emotions in their
professional careers and their personal lives. Participants will
learn about the physiology of stress, how to cultivate positive
emotions for increased productivity and how to enhance
emotional intelligence and implement it. All participants will
leave with at least three wellness practices for both the
workplace and their personal life
Fr. Garrett Galvin, OFM: 11:30am-12:20am

Renewal in a Franciscan Key
Fr. Garrett Galvin, OFM is the President and Rector of the
Franciscan School of Theology at the University of San Diego.
After two draining years of a global pandemic, we will explore
renewal as a consistent theme in the life of St. Francis, and how
it can help us on a personal and societal level.
Panel Discussion: Serving People Not Programs: 11:30am-12:20am

Panel Discussion: Serving People Not Programs
Join local leaders Shireen McSpadden, Executive Director of SF’s
Department of Homelessness & Supportive Housing, Tomiquia
Moss, founder and CEO of All Home, Beth Stokes, Executive
Director of Episcopal Community Services, and moderator,
Vince Hoenigman, St. Anthony’s Board Member, as they explore
how reason and compassion can guide us to solutions for
cooperating across programs and organizations to make a real
difference in the lives of those experiencing poverty and
homelessness in our city.
Fr. Joe Chinnici, OFM: 2:15pm-3:05pm

Advocating for Societal Change
Fr. Joe Chinnici, OFM., is a President Emeritus and Professor of
History at the Franciscan School of Theology at the University of
San Diego. In this discussion, Fr. Joe talks about how Franciscan
thought and Catholic Social Teachings can guide us in advocating
for societal change through faith and reason.
Panel Discussion: Investing in Impact: 2:15pm-3:05pm

Panel Discussion: Investing in Impact
How can social service agencies convince businesses and
high-net-worth individuals to invest in the Tenderloin? This
panel discussion moderated by St. Anthony’s Board Member,
Maija Muncy, an experienced leader within the financial
technology sector, explores an investor perspective on
supporting philanthropy in our city. This panel will discuss
how to reconcile good will with measurable and forwardthinking results. Participants include philanthropic
enthusiasts: Khushboo Patel, VP & COO of Salesforce
Ventures, Kevin Ryan, Director of Delta Dental Foundation,
and Michael Wolfe, Co-Founder and VP of Engineering for
customer service software company, Gladly.
Fr. Johannes Freyer, OFM: 3:15pm-4:05pm

Franciscan Entrepreneurs: A New Lifestyle
Fr. Johannes Freyer, OFM, is a Visiting Professor at the Franciscan
School of Theology at the University of San Diego. Fr. Johannes
will discuss forerunners of organizations such as St. Anthony’s
and teach us how the Franciscan ‘economy of frugality’ can offer
an alternative for the entrepreneurs of today.
Panel Discussion: Solutions for the Tenderloin: 3:15pm-4:05pm

Panel Discussion: Solutions for the Tenderloin
This panel will explore practical solutions that reduce harm for all
stakeholders in the Tenderloin. The panel, moderated by St.
Anthony’s COO, Tere Brown will feature Rohit Menezes, a
Partner with the Bridgespan Group, a leading social impact
consultant and advisory group for Non-Profit foundations,
Michael Vuong, Director of Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco,
Tenderloin Clubhouse, and Theresa Flynn Houghton, the
President of the DeMarillac Academy, an all-scholarship school in
the Tenderloin. They all will contribute their expertise, data driven insights, and hands-on experience to discuss what
services and interventions work in real life.
Faithful Fools: 3:15pm-4:05pm

Street Retreat Reflection
The Faithful Fools are a group of lay Franciscans who seek to
shatter myths about those living in poverty. The day prior and
following this Forum this group will lead “Street Retreats” for
anyone interested in gaining new insights and first-hand
experience from those who live on the streets of the Tenderloin.
Come hear the stories about the courage, intelligence, strength,
and creativity of the people they encounter
Closing Reflection with Willie Brown: 4:15pm-5:00pm

Where do we go from here?
The Honorable Willie Brown, Jr., former mayor of San Francisco
and Speaker of the California State Assembly, and long-time
supporter of the Tenderloin district, will sit down with Nils
Behnke, CEO of St. Anthony’s, and Fr. Garrett Galvin, president
of the Franciscan School of Theology, to discuss ways we can
keep the ball rolling and not lose steam from the energy ignited
by the day. Let’s stay determined to bring people together for
the greater good!