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In the Gray Zone: Glen’s Path of Purpose and Belonging

July 24, 2024

Glen’s life, marked by transitions, challenges, and unexpected blessings, has been deeply influenced by St. Anthony’s. Born to Chinese parents who fled China during the 1930s Cultural Revolution, Glen describes himself as “in the gray zone” — neither fully Chinese nor fully American. Despite his feelings of cultural ambiguity and the personal instability he faced, Glen found a sense of purpose and community through St. Anthony’s.

A Life Shaped by Values
Growing up, Glen’s parents emphasized the importance of “God, family, and a sense of purpose — doing something good and noble for others and the community.” These values profoundly shaped his life. After living across the United States, Glen moved to San Francisco to care for his aging parents and honor their sacrifices by providing for them during their final years. Though fulfilling, this period of caregiving came with significant personal costs. Glen lost his career, finances, and stability. Looking back, Glen described how that period of his life “parallels the story of Job in the Old Testament. All of a sudden, everything is lost. Everything.”

Finding Stability and Community
Glen faced housing insecurity and moved through various shelter programs before securing permanent housing with the help of several organizations. Throughout this turbulent time, St. Anthony’s remained a constant source of support.

“St. Anthony’s has always been a part of where I am. They have contributed mightily to my betterment as an individual.”

In Glen’s view, St. Anthony’s unwavering commitment to its mission and its adaptability in meeting community needs sets it apart from other organizations. He cites the quick pivot to outdoor meal service during the pandemic as an example of St. Anthony’s ability to meet and overcome challenges. Glen also praises the Franciscan brothers, who embody the organization’s values and maintain a strong connection with the people they serve.

A Life of Gratitude and Contribution
Glen’s philosophy of “God, family, and a sense of purpose” aligns with St. Anthony’s mission of hope, stability, and renewal. He strives to make a positive contribution to everyone he encounters, and he often reflects on the deeper spiritual meaning of his journey. “There’s a purpose and a higher calling,” Glen believes. Glen visits St. Anthony’s daily, not only to receive services, but also to connect and give back, and his presence strengthens the fabric of St. Anthony’s community. Glen’s experience connecting with St. Anthony’s and overcoming instability taught him that “we only take two things with us when we leave this world: our deeds and our relationships.” This realization fuels his desire to “help the helpers” — to support those who support others.

Looking to the Future
Glen remains grateful for St. Anthony’s role in both his life and in the broader community. “My future well-being is helped immensely by the continued well-being of St. Anthony’s,” he said. His story is a testament to the power of community resilience and organizations like St. Anthony’s, which provide not only services, but also hope. In his own words: “At the end of the day, those relationships and deeds I hope will stand the test of time. And I have every confidence that St. Anthony’s, with their mission, will.”

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