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Charting New Paths to Employment: Nayelie’s Commitment to Service and Equity

August 26, 2024

Nayelie’s journey to becoming a bilingual employment specialist at St. Anthony Foundation is deeply personal. Born and raised in Culver City, California, she grew up in a household affected by alcoholism. “We were almost taken away from my mom because of my stepdad’s addiction,” she recalled. Nayelie’s early exposure to the challenges of addiction and its impact on families inspired her to help those in vulnerable situations and shaped her career path.

After completing her studies in criminal justice at San Francisco State University, Nayelie began working at Chrysalis, a nonprofit in Santa Monica. There, she served as the only Spanish-speaking employment specialist. “I noticed that these folks weren’t receiving the same level of service as others because of the language barrier,” Nayelie explained. She carried a caseload of up to 120 clients, many of whom were part of the vulnerable populations she was committed to serving, including people facing homelessness or involved in the justice system.

Nayelie’s move to San Francisco was prompted by her husband’s release from prison after 16 years of incarceration. “He was so inspired by the work I was doing with formerly incarcerated individuals that it motivated him to start anew in San Francisco, a second-chance city,” Nayelie shared. She found her calling at St. Anthony’s, where she continues her work as an employment specialist. Now, she is part of a comprehensive support system. “What attracted me to St. Anthony’s was that it wasn’t just a one-stop shop. Here, people are able to access not only job search services but also showers, food, and clothing. It’s a holistic approach,” she said.

Nayelie’s role is crucial in addressing the challenges faced by the Spanish-speaking community. She often works with guests struggling with language barriers, documentation issues, and finding stable employment. “That’s where I step in—to help them find outside employment that suits their skills,” Nayelie explained. Her role also involves facilitating job readiness classes, sometimes entirely in Spanish, ensuring that no one is left behind. She takes pride in providing equitable access to services and ensuring her clients receive the same level of support as their English-speaking peers.

As someone who has navigated the complexities of family addiction and as a spouse of a formerly incarcerated individual, Nayelie has a unique perspective and deep empathy for her clients.

“I’ve seen what addiction and incarceration can do to a family, and now, working at St. Anthony’s, I feel like I’m on the other side, helping those who are going through what my family went through,” she reflected.

Looking ahead, Nayelie is considering pursuing a master’s degree in social work or exploring mental health studies. “I really enjoy being part of someone’s journey, from the moment they walk in asking for help to the day they receive their first paycheck. That’s what keeps me going,” she said with a smile. Nayelie embodies St. Anthony’s mission to provide comprehensive services and address the full spectrum of guests’ needs. Her unique combination of personal experience and professional skills makes Nayelie an invaluable asset to St. Anthony’s and the many lives she touches through her work.

Your support helps to ensure that everyone in San Francisco has access to employment and the support they need to flourish. Please help us continue uplifting San Franciscans through programs like STEPS by giving today.

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