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California’s Campaign to Lift the Ban

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Join the Campaign to Lift the Ban

California is one of only a handful of states that bans people with drug-related felony convictions from receiving SNAP (formerly known as “food stamps”, and called CalFresh in California) and welfare-to-work (known as CalWORKs in California) benefits.   St. Anthony’s has been working to lift the ban for more than a decade, and we’d like to invite you to  join us by signing on to our petition to support SB 1029, a bill that will lift the ban.

SB 1029 (Hancock)

On Friday, February 14, 2014, California Senator Loni Hancock introduced SB 1029, a bill to lift the ban.  SB 1029 will allow individuals previously convicted of a nonviolent drug felony, who meet all other eligibility rules, to receive CalWORKs and CalFresh, provided that they are complying with the conditions of their release, or have successfully completed their probation or parole.

Why St. Anthony’s Cares About Lifting the Ban

St. Anthony Foundation serves many people who have paid their debt to society, have been released from prison, and are working hard to build a better life for themselves and their families. As former offenders work to get their lives back on track, they face barriers in finding employment, housing, and keeping food on the table. We know that access to income and job training through the CalWORKs program and to nutrition assistance through the CalFresh program can help former offenders achieve a successful transition back into their communities. That’s why we support SB 1029 – because we believe that our communities will be safer and stronger when people who have served their time have the help they need in order to be successful.

First Hurdle – Senate Policy Committee Hearing

SB 1029 will be heard by the Senate Human Services Committee on April 8, 2014. Now is the time to let our California elected officials know that the community supports this bill.

Check our blog, Facebook page, or Twitter feed for the latest news on SB 1029, including opportunities to take action.

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