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What do St. Anthony’s Interns, the San Francisco Opera Finance Department, the San Mateo County Juvenile Hall, Wells Fargo, and the Friends of the Pinole Library have in common?

St. Anthony's interns knit never-ending hope!

They all knit for St. Anthony’s!

St. Anthony’s knitters are one of the most diverse groups of people you can ever imagine but they all unite for the common purpose to share a message of hope and compassion with the guests and clients at St. Anthony’s.

We have knitters from Texas and Louisiana; from Greenbrae and Pacifica; and from Japan and New Zealand. From civic groups and church groups, knitting circles and schools: a veritable army with a coat of many colors indeed!

We have received 1,096 scarves and 296 hats so far and hope by December 21st to receive 2,500 which is the number we need to distribute on Christmas Day. So if you are almost finished with yours then keep on knitting. Every scarf matters because every person who will receive one will know that there are people who care.

So all you knitters out there just keep on: knit for hope, knit for faith, knit for joy and know that the work of your hands warms the body and nourishes the soul of each individual who receives one.

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