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Franciscan values Part 1

Franciscan values Part 1: We celebrate the wonder of life and the beauty of creation.

The first question that comes to my mind is How does this apply to our work here at St. Anthony’s Drug and Alcohol recovery program, the Father Alfred Center? On the surface these concepts seem ethereal and elusive. Although it’s hard to find quantitative or empirical evidence for wonder and beauty, they are integral to what we do.

Celebration for the wonder of life is best recognizable to me when I am paying attention to the little things.  It could be a smile, an unseen act of kindness, or the sun shining on the city during my morning commute.  It’s about the tiny miracles that take place around us every day, that are so easy to miss among the chaotic circumstances of life.

I believe it is vital to our work to keep an eye out for this beauty of creation that permeates our world.  Spiritually speaking it is the mana that sustains us through the desert.  It heals us when we are hurt,  sees us safely to the other side of that which tests us, and reminds us that we are not alone.

Our work can be mentally, physically and spiritually demanding.  It is necessary that we replenish ourselves in order to continue that work.  Celebration of the wonder of life, and the beauty of creation is about gratitude for all that we’ve been blessed with; especially the little things.

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